


Create a multi-launch coaster that sits on a small bank by the lake. The coaster must have at least two launches. The ride must be designed FVD++.


I gave myself this brief to allow myself to learn how to design rollercoasters with FVD++. Here I was able to experiment with various shapes and inversions and created a dense layout inspired by Taron at Phantasialand and Helix at Liseberg. The theme relies on making the guests feel unnerved by a mysterious futuristic corporation. My long term collaborator Andre designed a unique station building and area design that reflects the rides logo and a highly themed queue that delves into the depths of the company’s headquarters.

Released June 2019


Ride Stats

  • Ride Height - 127ft

  • Ride Length - 4802ft

  • Max Speed - 60mph

  • Ride Time - 74 seconds

  • Max Postive Force - 4.3Gs

  • Max Negative Force - -0.9Gs

  • Total Inversions - 5

Additional Credits

  • Andre Northan - station design, path design and all object creation (plus all addition support and ideas)

  • Thecodemaster - Helix style nose car


Ride Soundtrack

The music of Infinity reflects the futuristic aspect of the storyline building up tension as you await below the station building. I wanted the music to feel ominous but also with a hint of hope and triumph.



